Car Insurance isn't getting any cheaper. Fact number one – car insurance is not getting any cheaper, in truth it is estimated that the cost of insuring your motor will rise by 40% in 2011. Fact … [Read more...]
Early to Mid Life Crisis – Only a 911 can save me
Nineteen and a half years. Assuming every penny of it was banked, that’s roughly how long it would take Mr U.K. average to earn the amount that I’ve recently valued my life at for insurance purposes. … [Read more...]
OAP (Old Age Pest) Should driving tests for the elderley be introduced?
Sir Stirling Moss has recently voiced his opinion that a refresher test should be introduced for all drivers aged either 70 or 75, i.e. OAPs, and I couldn't agree with him more. Now, I'm not saying … [Read more...]